How to Deal with Twilio 30007 ErrorsIn the world of messaging, ensuring that your SMS reaches your intended audience is critical. However, sometimes, your …Read more
如何透過Voicebot協助獨居長者 - SeaX的智慧解決方案台灣逐漸進入超高齡社會,獨居長者的數量不斷增加。根據國發會的數據,預計到2024年,台灣老年人口比例將接近20%,並在2025年正式跨入超高齡社會。這種社會結構的變遷,讓獨居長者的身心健康問題成為焦點。特別是,許多長者經常感到孤獨,並擔憂獨自在家中去世的可能性。這些心理壓力不僅影響了他們的生活質量,也對他們的身體健康構成了威脅。Read more
SeaX:年度電話檢查實例 - 為長者提供更優質的關懷服務面對日益增長的老齡人口,全球各地的長者照護機構正面臨諸多挑戰。尤其是在定期關懷和健康監測方面,不僅需要耗費大量的人力資源,還經常因疏忽或延誤而導致潛在問題無法及時發現。這正是與Seasalt.ai合作的某新加坡社會服務機構前所面臨的一項挑戰。該機構每年與數千名長者進行一次年度關懷電話,過程繁瑣且難以高效管理。為了解決這一問題,他們引入了SeaX,通過AI技術大幅提升了關懷服務的質量與效率。Read more
台灣老年人照護資源整理:如何在各大縣市打電話獲取幫助隨著社會老齡化的加劇,獲取方便可及的 老人關懷電話和老人照護服務變得越來越重要。隨著老年人口的增加,擁有可靠的資源來提供即時協助和持續支持是至關重要的。本整理旨在幫助老年人及其家人輕鬆找到在台灣各大縣市所需的照護資源。Read more
SeaX + SeaChat: AI語音助理革新長者照護的智慧解決方案隨著台灣邁向超高齡社會,長者照護 正面臨前所未有的挑戰。根據國發會 的數據顯示,2024年台灣的老年人口比例將接近20%,並預計在2025年正式邁入超高齡社會。在這樣的人口結構變化下,如何有效地提供即時關懷、多元服務,以及解決人力不足 的問題,已成為當前長照產業的三大挑戰。Read more
The Right Way to Batch Send SMS to Contacts in Excel, Google Sheets, and Apple NumbersSending out bulk SMS to a list of contacts has been a widely used technique for businesses, event organizers, and …Read more
Customer Story: Contact Center Success in Nigeria's Digital Payment IndustryThe success story of the omni-channel contact center deployment for a leading digital payment company in Nigeria …Read more
Customer Story: Empowering a Major Asia Bank to Deliver Multilingual and Privacy-focused Support to CustomersThe success story of the omni-channel contact center deployment for one of the biggest private banks in Southeast Asia …Read more
Customer Story: How Seax Helped Top Mobile Phone Brand Support Customers Across 100 CountriesThe success story of the omni-channel contact center deployment for one of the top 5 international mobile phone brands …Read more
Customer Service at United Airlines: the Good, the Bad and the CEO, Xuchen Yao, shares his recent experience with United Airlines’ customer service after facing …Read more
Twilio and Launched SeaX in Asia-Pacific & JapanAs the contact center evolves – and more communication channels come online – businesses more than ever are meeting …Read more
SeaX Bulk SMS: For Faster, More Effective Customer OutreachIn our previous blog posts, we walked through some of SeaX’s key features (including Voice Intelligence, Knowledge Base, …Read more
SeaX Case Management: Take Control of Your Contact Center Case TrackingIn our previous blog post, SeaX KB: A Knowledge Base that Answers Before It’s Asked, we showed how’s in-house …Read more
SeaX KB: A Knowledge Base that Answers Before It’s AskedIn our previous blog post, Give Your Contact Center Its Own Voice with SeaX Voice Intelligence, we showed how …Read more
Give Your Contact Center Its Own Voice with SeaX Voice IntelligenceSo far in our SeaX blog series, we’ve given you a broad overview of’s flagship product: SeaX. We also …Read more
Expand Your Contact Center Footprint with a Distributed Contact CenterIn our previous blog post, Bring Customers from Any Channel to One Place with SeaX Omnichannel Communication, we showed …Read more
Bring Customers from Any Channel to One Place with SeaX Omnichannel CommunicationIn our previous blog post, Welcome to SeaX, a Collaborative Cloud Contact Center, we introduced our collaborative cloud …Read more
Welcome to SeaX, a Collaborative Cloud Contact CenterIn this blog we will introduce SeaX, our cloud communication contact center solution. This is the first in a series of …Read more
Discord (3/3): Discord & Twilio Flex: Bringing Flex Contact Center into Uncharted TerritoryThis is our last post in a three-part series about customer engagement on Discord. Our first blog, “A New Frontier for …Read more
Discord (2/3): How to Create a Discord Community and Bot for Your BrandOur blog post, “Discord: A New Frontier for Customer Engagement”, covered Discord’s rise in popularity, and how brands …Read more
Discord (1/3): A New Frontier for Customer EngagementDiscord’s user numbers have soared in recent years and the platform has now rebranded itself as the ‘home …Read more
AI-Enabled Contact Center Automation: Virtual Agent Collaboration with CRMIntegrating HubSpot with SeaX Easy and seamless access to both your contact center interface and your customer data in a …Read more