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Welcome to SeaX, a Collaborative Cloud Contact Center

  • Sarah Reid
  • Wednesday, Jun 22, 2022

In this blog we will introduce SeaX, our cloud communication contact center solution. This is the first in a series of blogs that will introduce and show in depth the features of SeaX.

What is SeaX?

SeaX (pronounced “CX”, a common acronym for Customer eXperience) is a collaborative cloud communication contact center solution. It is designed with great flexibility to create a customizable contact center experience for each individual customer, while still providing an out-of-the-box solution to get you out and running quickly.

SeaX connects and configures the building blocks of Twilio Flex to help you bridge the gap between your agents and your customers.

SeaX connects and configures the building blocks of Twilio Flex to help you bridge the gap between your agents and your customers.

What makes SeaX different from traditional contact centers?

Customizability, flexibility and automation are the bread and butter of SeaX. SeaX is customizable on the API level, making it easy to adjust from user interface to integrating internal CRM or ERP systems. Customers won’t be locked into how the contact center was initially configured, but can continue to fine-tune it as businesses grow. To achieve the same level of customizability, traditional contact centers take significant time and money to set up, from the physical infrastructure to the communication channel configuration to integrating every system needed. This can make it expensive and time-consuming to set up any new part of a contact center. With SeaX, your agents can be set up and your contact center system configured in less than one week, allowing you to quickly and easily get your contact center working.

In traditional contact centers there is often a need to switch between multiple programs and systems to complete a customer interaction. Whether that is the difficulty of transferring customer information from a landline phone call to a CRM, or switching between multiple messaging applications to communicate with customers, having different functions in separate programs slows down work and makes it more difficult. SeaX integrates all of the contact center functionality into one interface, allowing your agents to take calls and messages from all channels in one place, and also complete other tasks, like recording conversation information in a CRM or taking support ticket notes, directly in the interface as well. This allows your agents to be more efficient and focus on the task at hand, rather than searching for their notes window.

SeaX serves all calls and messages in one interface, as well as providing access to integrated systems like case management.

SeaX serves all calls and messages in one interface, as well as providing access to integrated systems like case management.

This tight integration within SeaX also allows you to closely track and monitor everything that is happening in your call center. Since every interaction with your customers happens on the same platform, all of your call center data is readily available to review and use in analytics. You can monitor agent performance across all communication channels, from reviewing chat transcripts and call recordings, to tracking handling time week to week, to custom agent performance evaluations. With Flex Insights, you can create analytics dashboards to track your call center KPIs, keeping a close eye on any changes in performance.

Flexibility with coordinating multiple countries, numbers and agents is key to a successful multi-national contact center, especially in a totally remote setting. It has been difficult in traditional contact centers to expand into different countries or open new contact centers in different parts of the world. There are various rules and regulations on contact with customers depending on the country, and ensuring that all of your contact centers run the same and transition calls between them smoothly while respecting different regulations and timezones is a challenging task. SeaX handles these situations for you, allowing you to configure things like open hours for each location, and supporting all your agents on one platform, no matter where they are physically.

Customize operating hours by phone number, so you can control settings separately for your separate locations around the world.

Customize operating hours by phone number, so you can control settings separately for your separate locations around the world.

How can AI assist and empower agents?

AI automation is integrated through every level of SeaX, taking charge of the simple and repetitive tasks and allowing your agents to focus on the larger and more complicated calls that need their attention.

In SeaX, agents are called Super Agents because they work collaboratively with AI agents. There are virtual agents that customers can hook up to your phone and messaging channels that can handle basic tasks for you, only passing the customer over to a live agent if necessary. There are a wide range of uses for this, from a virtual agent that can schedule appointments and automatically add it to a calendar, to a virtual agent that can look up a customer in a CRM and check the status of their order. This takes the weight of these simple tasks off of your agents and frees them up to handle other customers with more complicated issues.

SeaX also uses AI automation in other places to assist your agents in more easily getting access to the information that they need. The integrated SeaX knowledge base automatically searches your knowledge base while an agent is talking with a customer, and provides the agent with help articles that are most similar to the current conversation, putting that information at the agent’s fingertips. The SeaX case management system will automatically send a survey to customers when a case is closed, and record the response, ensuring that this task is always completed.

Get automated suggestions from your custom knowledge base, putting accurate information at your agents' fingertips.

Get automated suggestions from your custom knowledge base, putting accurate information at your agents’ fingertips.

Why SeaX?

SeaX simplifies your agents’ workspace, bringing everything they need on a daily basis into one interface, removing complications and distractions from their work. SeaX empowers your agents with AI automation, freeing them up from repetitive tasks and putting the information they need at their fingertips. SeaX puts your contact center solution to work for you.

In this series of blogs, we will dive deeper into the great features of the SeaX platform, covering the topics below and more!

Omni-channel - Customers can call and text you from virtually any platform

Distributed Contact Center Infrastructure - No hardwired phone lines, cross platform, and easily extendable

Customizable - Customize interface to your needs, from the business logo and themes colors to open hours and offline messages

SeaVoice STT/TTS - Live transcription with speech-to-text, and voice call super agents with text-to-speech

Native Integrations - Easily integrate all of your tools into one interface

AI Automations - Free up agents’ time with super agents and our natively integrated knowledge base and case management

Powerful Analytics - Create dashboards and export reports, see call recordings and chat transcripts, track agent performance

Administrator Monitoring - Built in tools for monitoring customer communication and agent performance

For a personal demo, and to see how SeaX can help with your contact center needs, please fill out our “Book a Demo" form.